SAAL Biennale 2015!

16th International Performing Arts Festival



SAAL Biennaal is a brand new festival by its name, but it is planted on the fertile ground of the oldest international performing arts festival in Tallinn - August DanceFestival. After completing the last 15th edition of August DanceFestival time was ripe for changes and therefore SAAL Biennaal was born. The name of the festival ties it with Kanuti Gildi SAAL and it will take place every second year.

As a result of the overall melting of the borders between different art forms it is only natural that the program of SAAL Biennaal encloses besides performances in theatre space also staged exhibitions, film installations, city walks and other in-between genre events. While it is not for granted that festival has one curator, as Priit Raud challenged Annika Üprus to experiment together on co-curatorship concept. 

SAAL Biennaal is as contradictory as the society around it and the time when it takes place. Located on the crossroads of art forms this festival is ready for unpredictable. The most relevant are the questions proposed by artists to themselves and others, regardless of their form.

SAAL Biennaal 2015 encloses artists from Belgium, Austria, France, China, Norway, Japan, USA, Sweden and Estonia. The events take place in traditional venues - Kanuti Gildi SAAL, Von Krahl Theatre, Theatre NO99, Vaba Lava and National Opera as well as in Draakon Gallery and all over the city space.





11.08-29.08 Draakon Galery (Pikk 18)
HENRI HÜTT & EVELYN RAUDSEPP /Tallinn/ But I Know From Your Smile that I Did Some Harm, Poisoning the Rainbow For a While...  - staged exhibition

Monday 17.08

20:00 Kanuti Gildi SAAL (Pikk 20)
HEINE AVDAL & YUKIKO SHINOZAKI /Oslo-Brussels-Tokyo/ nothing's for something

22:00 Von Krahl Theater (Rataskaevu 10)
TRAJAL HARRELL /New York/ Twenty Looks or Paris is Burning at the Judson Church (S)

Tuesday 18.08
16:00 Kanuti Gildi SAAL (Pikk 20)
Artists talk: Heine Avdal & Yukiko Shinozaki + Trajal Harrell

20:00 Kanuti Gildi SAAL (Pikk 20)
HEINE AVDAL & YUKIKO SHINOZAKI /Oslo-Brussels-Tokyo/ nothing's for something

22:00 Von Krahl Theater (Rataskaevu 10)
TRAJAL HARRELL /New York/ Twenty Looks or Paris is Burning at the Judson Church (S)

Wednesday 19.08
20:00 Kanuti Gildi SAAL (Pikk 20)

Thursday 20.08
19:00 Kanuti Gildi SAAL (Pikk 20)

20:00 Flo Kasearu House Museum (Pebre 8)
FLO KASEARU & RIINA MAIDRE /Tallinn/ House Music       PREMIERE!

Friday 21.08
20:00 Flo Kasearu House Museum (Pebre 8)
FLO KASEARU & RIINA MAIDRE /Tallinn/ House Music

Saturday 22.08
20:00 Flo Kasearu House Museum (Pebre 8)
FLO KASEARU & RIINA MAIDRE /Tallinn/ House Music

Sunday 23.08
16:00 Start from Kanuti Gildi SAAL (Pikk 20)
KRISTINA NORMAN /Tallinn/ Tähetund - theatrical tour in Estonian
DORIS FELDMANN & KRISTINA-MARIA HEINSALU /Tallinn/ hõuliART presents: The Best Sites of Tallinn - theatrical tour in Estonian

20:00 Kanuti Gildi SAAL (Pikk 20)
MARKUS ÖHRN /Niskanpää-Berlin/ Bergman in Uganda - installation 

Monday 24.08
20:00 Kanuti Gildi SAAL (Pikk 20)
MARKUS ÖHRN /Niskanpää-Berlin/ Bergman in Uganda - installation + artist talk

Tuesday 25.08
18:00 Kanuti Gildi SAAL (Pikk 20)
MARKUS ÖHRN /Niskanpää-Berlin/ Bergman in Uganda - installation

20:00 NO99 theater (Sakala 3)
SUPERAMAS /Vienna-Amiens-Gent/ SuperamaX + artists talk

Wednesday 26.08

20:00 NO99 theater (Sakala 3)
SUPERAMAS /Vienna-Amiens-Gent/ SuperamaX 

20:30 Start from Kanuti Gildi SAAL (Pikk 20)
CHUNGIN /Tallinn/ Tuvi tee - theatrical tour in Estonian

Thursday 27.08
16:00 Start from Kanuti Gildi SAAL (Pikk 20)
KRISTINA NORMAN /Tallinn/ Tähetund - theatrical tour in Estonian
DORIS FELDMANN & KRISTINA-MARIA HEINSALU /Tallinn/ hõuliART presents: The Best Sites of Tallinn - theatrical tour in Estonian

20:00 Kanuti Gildi SAAL (Pikk 20)
HENDRIK KALJUJÄRV /Tallinn/ Rising Matter 

Friday 28.08

05:30 Start from Kanuti Gildi SAAL (Pikk 20)
CHUNGIN /Tallinn/ Tuvi tee - theatrical tour in Estonian

17:00 Kanuti Gildi SAAL (Pikk 20)
Artists Talk in Estonian: Kristina Norman, Doris Feldmann, Kristina-Maria Heinsalu, Chungin

20:00 Kanuti Gildi SAAL (Pikk 20)
HENDRIK KALJUJÄRV /Tallinn/ Rising Matter 

Saturday 29.08

12:00-15:00 STL (Telliskivi 60A, C1)
TAO YE (TAO Dance Theater) masterclass - RESERVED!

19:00 National Opera Estonia ( Estonia Avenue 4)

Sunday 30.08

19:00 Vaba Lava (Telliskivi 60A, C1)
TAO DANCE THEATER /Beijing/ 4 & 5 + artist talk



Tickets for SAAL Biennaal 2015:

Single tickets bought in advance until 10th of August for 10/14 EUR, from 11th of August 12/18 EUR.

NB! Tickets bought in advance until 10th of August for “Partita 2” by ANNE TERESA DE KEERSMAEKER, BORIS CHARMATZ, AMANDINE BEYER are 11/14/20 EUR depending on the seat, and full price 14/18/25 EUR from 11th of August; tickets can be purchased from ticket centres Piletilevi or Piletimaailm and at Estonian National Opera's box office (open every day 11:00-19:00 except from June 21st till July 26th).
-concession -50% for pupils, students and pensioners 
-for groups every 21st ticket free if purchased at the Opera's box office (phone 683 1210) or online at
-only one concession at a time!

Tickets for the staged tour by KRISTINA NORMAN, CHUNGIN, DORIS FELDMANN & KRISTINA-MARIA HEINSALU, performance “House Music” by FLO KASEARU & RIINA MAIDRE and the movie installation “Bergman in Uganda” by MARKUS ÖHRN are 5 EUR.

Limited amount of 4 show passes are available for 30/42 EUR only if purchased on or before August the 10th (entry to 4 shows excluding “Partita 2” and the 5 EUR shows).

Single tickets and 4 show passes are available at Piletilevi ticket centres (a service charge 0.60€ per ticket will be added) and at Piletilevi online shop. Tickets can be purchased on site in cash half an hour before the start of the show, provided there are seats available.
- Discounted tickets on site for pupils, students and pensioners upon presenting ID.
- Latecomers will not be let in.
- The shows are not suitable for children, unless otherwise stated.
- The organizer has the right to make changes in the program.



SAAL Biennaal 2015will be held thanks to our partners:

Eesti Kultuuriministeerium 
Eesti Kultuurkapital 
Tallinna Kultuuriväärtuste Amet  
Hiina Rahvavabariigi Kultuuriministeerium
Prantsuse Instituut Eestis 
Flandria valitsus 
Austria Suursaatkond Tallinnas
Austria Välisministeerium
INTPA – Austria rahvusvaheline tantsu ja etenduskunstide võrgustik
Von Krahl Teater
Gotthardi Residents 
OÜ Trumm
Flo Kasearu Majamuuseum

Draakoni galerii
Eesti Ajaloomuuseum
Teater NO99
Rahvusooper Estonia
Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava
Vaba Lava teatrihoone


SAAL Biennaal 2015 team:
Priit Raud, Annika Üprus, Mairika Plakso, Eneli Järs, Evelin Lõokene, Maarja Kalmre, Revo Koplus, Krista Jakobson, Risto Kalmre, Jaan Evart, Mariana Hint, Ranno Ait, Taavi „Miisu" Varm, Iiris Viirpalu, Madis Kirkmann, Ulla Tõnisson, Heikki Tikas, Oliver Kulpsoo, Lauri Sepp